@KitCaless In a world of pain, its the cotton wool wrapped around your spine.
@KitCaless In a world of pain, its the cotton wool wrapped around your spine.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) November 2, 2015
things are remembered differently
@KitCaless In a world of pain, its the cotton wool wrapped around your spine.
@KitCaless In a world of pain, its the cotton wool wrapped around your spine.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) November 2, 2015
Among the most feared class of spirits in Hookland are the ‘Whispers’ – malicious disembodied voices. https://t.co/kP0GtMn7iV
Among the most feared class of spirits in Hookland are the 'Whispers' – malicious disembodied voices. pic.twitter.com/kP0GtMn7iV
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) November 2, 2015
@hughbarnard THEY are an alien species.
@hughbarnard THEY are an alien species.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) November 2, 2015
@Cadogan369 Having spent the afternoon drawing maps of the damned place, I can refute any notion of it being thin in any sense of the word.
@Cadogan369 Having spent the afternoon drawing maps of the damned place, I can refute any notion of it being thin in any sense of the word.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) November 2, 2015
@Cadogan369 I can tell you it is often dead skin taught across bones, but no part of it is thin. I have the arthritic fingers to prove it.
@Cadogan369 I can tell you it is often dead skin taught across bones, but no part of it is thin. I have the arthritic fingers to prove it.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) November 2, 2015
@KillFriendsFilm Why would I want to a movie of a book that reads like a Jeffrey Archer remix of American Psycho?
@KillFriendsFilm Why would I want to a movie of a book that reads like a Jeffrey Archer remix of American Psycho?
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) November 2, 2015
@ChrisJosiffe Universal patterns repeating, Universal manifesting in the specifics of folklore.
@ChrisJosiffe Universal patterns repeating, Universal manifesting in the specifics of folklore.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) November 2, 2015
@Geograph_Bob @maximpetergriff I’m not sure the influence of Hookland Lodges extends to Cyprus.
@Geograph_Bob @maximpetergriff I'm not sure the influence of Hookland Lodges extends to Cyprus.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) November 2, 2015
@lazcorp The Woodcraft Folk and a Hookland off-shoot sect were still going strong in the county in the 1970s.
@lazcorp The Woodcraft Folk and a Hookland off-shoot sect were still going strong in the county in the 1970s.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) November 2, 2015
@xeroscape Everyone would be wise to be afraid of Mr. Bastard Claws.
@xeroscape Everyone would be wise to be afraid of Mr. Bastard Claws.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) November 2, 2015