@owenbooth Revolutionary Spider-Man fever.
@owenbooth Revolutionary Spider-Man fever.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) September 12, 2015
things are remembered differently
@owenbooth Revolutionary Spider-Man fever.
@owenbooth Revolutionary Spider-Man fever.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) September 12, 2015
The ‘Tormented Soul’ at the Devil’s Scar on Barrowcross Moor, the deepest gorge in England. http://t.co/Ll1wjPD3IJ
The 'Tormented Soul' at the Devil's Scar on Barrowcross Moor, the deepest gorge in England. pic.twitter.com/Ll1wjPD3IJ
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) September 12, 2015
For the person who complains every time I post a colour picture … Tormented Soul noir, the Devil’s Scar. http://t.co/WN9OOiGYXM
For the person who complains every time I post a colour picture … Tormented Soul noir, the Devil's Scar. pic.twitter.com/WN9OOiGYXM
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) September 12, 2015
@Doilum Hookland purism may be a growing faction. cc @pilgrimpace
@Doilum Hookland purism may be a growing faction. cc @pilgrimpace
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) September 12, 2015
@AlasdairStuart @dedbutdrmng Can we do a budget movie that can then be broadcast as series of twitter GIFs?
@AlasdairStuart @dedbutdrmng Can we do a budget movie that can then be broadcast as series of twitter GIFs?
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) September 12, 2015
‘I have written stories out of love, out of money, out of grief. Most of all I have written stories out of the #landscape.’ – C.L. Nolan
'I have written stories out of love, out of money, out of grief. Most of all I have written stories out of the #landscape.' – C.L. Nolan
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) September 12, 2015
@AlasdairStuart Having spent 20 years writing books on conspiracy theory and fact, the replicating nature of core narratives is fascinating.
@AlasdairStuart Having spent 20 years writing books on conspiracy theory and fact, the replicating nature of core narratives is fascinating.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) August 11, 2015
@AlasdairStuart Beyond the manufactured disinformation campaigns which have been ongoing since the 1950s, the folklore and its penetration
@AlasdairStuart Beyond the manufactured disinformation campaigns which have been ongoing since the 1950s, the folklore and its penetration
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) August 11, 2015
@AlasdairStuart into popular culture/psychic static of the everyday is vastly under-valued and under-researched.
@AlasdairStuart into popular culture/psychic static of the everyday is vastly under-valued and under-researched.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) August 11, 2015
@AlasdairStuart Primal needs for narrative, wonder, mystery and a ‘big bad’ and a self-generating lore all so clearly in play.
@AlasdairStuart Primal needs for narrative, wonder, mystery and a 'big bad' and a self-generating lore all so clearly in play.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) August 11, 2015