@rougeit @JoDacombe Landdscape is the original external memory.
@rougeit @JoDacombe Landdscape is the original external memory.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) August 11, 2015
things are remembered differently
@rougeit @JoDacombe Landdscape is the original external memory.
@rougeit @JoDacombe Landdscape is the original external memory.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) August 11, 2015
@eamonngriffin @owenbooth Starlord for me. Time travelling Nazis, flesh-disolving acid rain in the Bermuda Triangle and Ro-Busters!
@eamonngriffin @owenbooth Starlord for me. Time travelling Nazis, flesh-disolving acid rain in the Bermuda Triangle and Ro-Busters!
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) August 11, 2015
@owenbooth Damn you. I now want to do Thrilling Tales of Hookland, the comic.
@owenbooth Damn you. I now want to do Thrilling Tales of Hookland, the comic.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) August 11, 2015
@owenbooth C.L. Nolan ghost detective, The Changelings (think Tomorrow People as faerie-kind, Starfall, Tales from Bunker 13 …
@owenbooth C.L. Nolan ghost detective, The Changelings (think Tomorrow People as faerie-kind, Starfall, Tales from Bunker 13 …
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) August 11, 2015
Hookland – the comic book. Featuring C.L. Nolan Mystery Detective, People of the Pylon, Tales from Bunker 13. https://t.co/POm3zYUDuW
Hookland – the comic book. Featuring C.L. Nolan Mystery Detective, People of the Pylon, Tales from Bunker 13. https://t.co/POm3zYUDuW
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) August 11, 2015
@maximpetergriff @owenbooth I actually got gooesbumps.
@maximpetergriff @owenbooth I actually got gooesbumps.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) August 11, 2015
@driftingcamera @maximpetergriff @owenbooth It’s stunning. I’m now going to feel the world is being cheated if the comic doesn’t exist.
@driftingcamera @maximpetergriff @owenbooth It's stunning. I'm now going to feel the world is being cheated if the comic doesn't exist.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) August 11, 2015
@eamonngriffin @maximpetergriff @owenbooth http://t.co/6nfFMdErEL
@eamonngriffin @maximpetergriff @owenbooth pic.twitter.com/6nfFMdErEL
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) August 11, 2015
@pilgrimpace @maximpetergriff @owenbooth She would only feature in a strip called The Black Coven.
@pilgrimpace @maximpetergriff @owenbooth She would only feature in a strip called The Black Coven.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) August 11, 2015
@maximpetergriff @eamonngriffin @owenbooth I’ve already written 100-word descriptions of four strips.
@maximpetergriff @eamonngriffin @owenbooth I've already written 100-word descriptions of four strips.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) August 11, 2015