@MattRMBlake Also, in its own quiet, understated way, one of the great dramas as well.
Also, in its own quiet, understated way, one of the great dramas as well.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) September 5, 2016
things are remembered differently
@MattRMBlake Also, in its own quiet, understated way, one of the great dramas as well.
Also, in its own quiet, understated way, one of the great dramas as well.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) September 5, 2016
@Liberator_hen @gefbot @ChrisJosiffe I didn’t know the Rolling Calf, but I have a collection of goats-possessed by duppies folklore.
I didn't know the Rolling Calf, but I have a collection of goats-possessed by duppies folklore.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) September 5, 2016
@MattRMBlake Have you seen Going Straight?
Have you seen Going Straight?
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) September 5, 2016
Even in the quietest stretches of the Hel estuary, ghosts of its former free traders seem tethered to its banks. https://t.co/Uz3RRCIy0p
Even in the quietest stretches of the Hel estuary, ghosts of its former free traders seem tethered to its banks. pic.twitter.com/Uz3RRCIy0p
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) September 5, 2016
@MattRMBlake The last episode, the pets in cages reminding Fletch of prison – clever, emotional and bloody funny.
The last episode, the pets in cages reminding Fletch of prison – clever, emotional and bloody funny.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) September 5, 2016
@SemprePhi The salt line divides sea and river, the spirit line dividing past and present, living and ever present dead.
The salt line divides sea and river, the spirit line dividing past and present, living and ever present dead.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) September 5, 2016
@foxxmetamatic Both of those are Hookland characters, both of those are me.
Both of those are Hookland characters, both of those are me.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) September 5, 2016
The sky was infected, its skin ashening as sun lost its grip on the day. In every swelling shadow, the triumph of coming night. – #CLNolan
The sky was infected, its skin ashening as sun lost its grip on the day. In every swelling shadow, the triumph of coming night. – #CLNolan
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) September 5, 2016
@tinajaneb33 @harbottlestores @ChrisJosiffe @gefbot Chris’s book is a wonderful dissecting of the mystery and a great read.
Chris's book is a wonderful dissecting of the mystery and a great read.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) September 5, 2016
@vgplayscouk I spent several years in a verbally and physically abusive relationship. I certainly felt cat footed.
I spent several years in a verbally and physically abusive relationship. I certainly felt cat footed.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) September 5, 2016