@E_M_Edwards The ghost soil is universal. It’s the trick of Hookland to appear to appear everywhere.
The ghost soil is universal. It's the trick of Hookland to appear to appear everywhere.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) July 3, 2017
things are remembered differently
@E_M_Edwards The ghost soil is universal. It’s the trick of Hookland to appear to appear everywhere.
The ghost soil is universal. It's the trick of Hookland to appear to appear everywhere.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) July 3, 2017
I tell you behind the locked door lies your greatest fear, you still open it. This is one of the oldest secrets of #horror. – #CLNolan
I tell you behind the locked door lies your greatest fear, you still open it. This is one of the oldest secrets of #horror. – #CLNolan
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) July 3, 2017
The #cunning folk know their patch. Know where all the wild balms and cures are found. They work a map of secrets. https://t.co/73TFGfUVYe
The #cunning folk know their patch. Know where all the wild balms and cures are found. They work a map of secrets. pic.twitter.com/73TFGfUVYe
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) July 3, 2017
Screen grab from a Philips VCR recording of the Hookland Associated Television show Hookland Hauntings circa 1977. https://t.co/VlbBPhYO0t
Screen grab from a Philips VCR recording of the Hookland Associated Television show Hookland Hauntings circa 1977. pic.twitter.com/VlbBPhYO0t
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) July 3, 2017
@FormerlyHurogGi @UrsulaV Here is a picture of Bear the Hookland cat as a reward. https://t.co/fjeJxqpGOz
Here is a picture of Bear the Hookland cat as a reward. pic.twitter.com/fjeJxqpGOz
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) July 4, 2017
@cwoolbrightjr A thousand places and a thousand variations on the thing we meet on the borders of dream and nightmare.
A thousand places and a thousand variations on the thing we meet on the borders of dream and nightmare.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) July 4, 2017
@smonkey Less singing with the bone horse/hobby horse in other areas where it is not linked to wassailing, which is a shame.
Less singing with the bone horse/hobby horse in other areas where it is not linked to wassailing, which is a shame.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) July 4, 2017
@smonkey Though the voices of Hooklanders could never hope to compete with those of the Welsh.
Though the voices of Hooklanders could never hope to compete with those of the Welsh.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) July 4, 2017
The Hel Estuary, border not just between Hookland and the next county west, but also the Kingdom-Under-the-Sea, https://t.co/LARTcI4TNA
The Hel Estuary, border not just between Hookland and the next county west, but also the Kingdom-Under-the-Sea, pic.twitter.com/LARTcI4TNA
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) July 4, 2017
@CymraesLJ There’s an apotropaic similarity if we push into the nature of the beasts.
There's an apotropaic similarity if we push into the nature of the beasts.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) July 4, 2017