@maximpetergriff Oddly enough one of the gods of London is Isis.
Oddly enough one of the gods of London is Isis.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) June 3, 2017
things are remembered differently
@maximpetergriff Oddly enough one of the gods of London is Isis.
Oddly enough one of the gods of London is Isis.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) June 3, 2017
@RealSardonicus And as the great lines goes: It’s such a persistent stain.
And as the great lines goes: It's such a persistent stain.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) June 3, 2017
@VSzulc @mswhatsit @k_mcq It is called history. It is what non-idiots learn from.
It is called history. It is what non-idiots learn from.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) June 4, 2017
@VSzulc @k_mcq Second shitlarking point. Not Muslim terror attacks any more than IRA attacks were Catholic.
Second shitlarking point. Not Muslim terror attacks any more than IRA attacks were Catholic.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) June 4, 2017
@VSzulc @mswhatsit @k_mcq Third idiot point. Most IRA citizens were British. Immigration-ban would have done nowt. You’re an idiot chum.
Third idiot point. Most IRA citizens were British. Immigration-ban would have done nowt. You're an idiot chum.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) June 4, 2017
@kirstymhall The default position is libations of milk, ale or Jack-a-Jump. Offerings of bread, cake and jam have always gone down well.
The default position is libations of milk, ale or Jack-a-Jump. Offerings of bread, cake and jam have always gone down well.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) June 4, 2017
@kirstymhall Of course some sprites are onary bastards and have singular tastes – from kettles to nettle pop and custard tarts.
Of course some sprites are onary bastards and have singular tastes – from kettles to nettle pop and custard tarts.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) June 4, 2017
Stories cling to the stones even better than the lichen does. They are habitat for our wild projections. – #CLNolan https://t.co/U3LqqMhzoS
Stories cling to the stones even better than the lichen does. They are habitat for our wild projections. – #CLNolan pic.twitter.com/U3LqqMhzoS
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) June 4, 2017
@trevorw1953 To summarise, person in charge of problem for six years saying give me more power to solve it. Vile, ridiculous and plain wrong-headed.
To summarise, person in charge of problem for six years saying give me more power to solve it. Vile, ridiculous and plain wrong-headed.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) June 4, 2017
@AdamScovell SWOON!
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) June 4, 2017