Hookland 2/12/19 2:38:17

@GayGeekSF Probably beyond the experience of an English rural rector and ghost-layer in the time period, but personally, I’d be very happy to have a Mexican Hairless between me and a minor demon.

Hookland 2/12/19 3:18:02

Some say the Hobarts and The Hobart farm were not cursed till they started to sell witch-wards to tourists and the gullible. Some say the curse was older than that, but just as well-earned.

Hookland 2/12/19 4:32:32

Many of the cunning folk are skilled in nephelomancy or cloud-telling as it is called in Hookland. This formation is known as ‘The Dog Jumps the Gate’ and is not regard as fortunate augury. https://t.co/Ej4pIEMipO

Hookland 2/12/19 6:33:06

Each pylon is beacon. Each pylon is signal tower, is a fixed point in the electric ley of the land. Each pylon is The Hum manifesting. – Dee-Dee, Child of The Hum, 1973 https://t.co/NyOjXIPqXZ

Hookland 2/12/19 6:55:44

@roughgod0 I suspect even Mr. Lynch would acknowledge the importance of our actual electrical cults, (Oneida Community, The Electric Creed et al). Nothing in Hookland is made up, just remembered differently.

Hookland 2/12/19 7:02:06

@roughgod0 While I have not watched The Return, I wouldn’t be surprised if The Children of The Hum who have been haunting Twitter since 2012 and Mr. Lynch’s take on electricity share common ancestry in the actual.