Hookland 4/12/19 21:03:46

Despite being little more than a broken hovel, Mother Tovey’s House was visited regularly by all those who had business on the River Tarrant and many who did not. #WitchWednesday https://t.co/ccII8FfMnx

Hookland 4/12/19 22:02:01

@DerekMCrosby I’m struggling with the cancer diagnosis today so forgive me for not being witty in response. I could talk at length about the traditions and protocols of telling the bees, but in my heart, the only politics I care to mention comes down to: Don’t vote Tory. Don’t enable fascists.

Hookland 4/11/19 2:51:30

No-one would call the Thornditch clan ‰Û÷cunning‰Ûª out of fear of the offending the actual cunning folk, but no-one would dare call one of them a witch either. They hold a position where it‰Ûªs all comments such as: ‰Û÷They know more than is good about things‰Ûª. – #CLNolan