Hookland 6/6/19 20:13:10

@BohemianLaxity It is getting better. As much as there is much to love in Celtic folklore. it does somewhat throw a blanked at times, even upon English regional lore.

Hookland 6/6/19 23:46:18

@amyhale93 Beyond most critiques, what I adore about it is the connective tissue. Even the simple act of exploring it builds up these inner lore muscles, weaves you own webs of connectivity.

Hookland 6/5/19 2:09:38

@independentpen @TheSacredIsle @paulychilds In real life, if you behaved with the transactionality and naked narcism you find on that #, you would not be networking as you‰Ûªd be seen as a complete arsehole.

Hookland 6/5/19 2:24:58

@independentpen @TheSacredIsle @paulychilds Those that take online as an opportunity to behave in a way that IRL would never give you permissive social space for … are not going to ever be good neighbours are part of a community I would want to be part of.