Hookland 6/5/19 7:50:03

Railway stations such as Ashcourt Port have tendency to hold ghosts. Delayed spirits, shuffling to find the right platform for an onward journey after their planned afterlife was cancelled. #CLNolan https://t.co/BLqB4kp6UD

Hookland 6/5/19 17:39:21

@WhatMollySaid @joqatana @ememess Fantasy or horror – just so I know which section of the interdimensional bookstore I need to look in? Single tale or anthology?

Hookland 6/5/19 17:41:28

@RonPyke @ZolaClyde1 Do you know that in the old dialect of the county of Essex, trump meant weed or waste ground? Yes, I know in general English slang since the 19th century trump means fart, but I prefer the old Essex meaning.

Hookland 6/5/19 19:59:48

Each English county has character told in three entwined forms – food, folklore and strength of its resentment for being told what to do by some idiot in London. – #CLNolan, BBC National Programme talk, 1933