@CabinetStories I am also a fan of her poetry and her newspaper reviews.
I am also a fan of her poetry and her newspaper reviews.
— ReptonGuide (@ReptonGuide) December 6, 2019
things are remembered differently
@CabinetStories I am also a fan of her poetry and her newspaper reviews.
I am also a fan of her poetry and her newspaper reviews.
— ReptonGuide (@ReptonGuide) December 6, 2019
@CabinetStories There is some sweet irony in the fact her estate is a such a tangled web it fits in with the whole noir mystery genre.
There is some sweet irony in the fact her estate is a such a tangled web it fits in with the whole noir mystery genre.
— ReptonGuide (@ReptonGuide) December 6, 2019
@CabinetStories Her sci-fi is … difficult. It has an interesting anti-colonial take, but it’s also very Edgar Rice Burroughs. Despite the scorn it has got across the years, her Empire Strikes Back script is not without merit.
Her sci-fi is … difficult. It has an interesting anti-colonial take, but it's also very Edgar Rice Burroughs. Despite the scorn it has got across the years, her Empire Strikes Back script is not without merit.
— ReptonGuide (@ReptonGuide) December 6, 2019
@CabinetStories Her reviews of mystery fiction and film are fantastic and her first poetry collection ‘Dark Certainty’ is really worth finding.
Her reviews of mystery fiction and film are fantastic and her first poetry collection 'Dark Certainty' is really worth finding.
— ReptonGuide (@ReptonGuide) December 6, 2019
@CabinetStories Arguably, her ESB would have left Star Wars in a more interesting place for sequels and prequels.
Arguably, her ESB would have left Star Wars in a more interesting place for sequels and prequels.
— ReptonGuide (@ReptonGuide) December 6, 2019
@GayGeekSF As @Ghostwoods will testify, every word of that sentence is true.
As @Ghostwoods will testify, every word of that sentence is true.
— ReptonGuide (@ReptonGuide) December 6, 2019
@PhilH86835657 People tend to disbelieve me when I bring up LondonÛªs railway brothels and Church of England ownership …
People tend to disbelieve me when I bring up London’s railway brothels and Church of England ownership …
— ReptonGuide (@ReptonGuide) December 6, 2019
It is probably a good thing that Bishop Morton Park is closed at sundown as the reports of phantom children always increase towards twilight, https://t.co/8bUdDmqmU1
It is probably a good thing that Bishop Morton Park is closed at sundown as the reports of phantom children always increase towards twilight, pic.twitter.com/8bUdDmqmU1
— ReptonGuide (@ReptonGuide) December 6, 2019
It’s all been hushed up, but the Ironwood Wharf Uprising really happened. You can see bullet marks in the walls like fossils. It’s only given the shame label of conspiracy theory to shut down people talking about it. – Paul Cowan, 1981
It's all been hushed up, but the Ironwood Wharf Uprising really happened. You can see bullet marks in the walls like fossils. It's only given the shame label of conspiracy theory to shut down people talking about it. – Paul Cowan, 1981
— ReptonGuide (@ReptonGuide) December 7, 2019
@paul4july @EustonDoYouCopy @kvdborgh @leahmoore @timrichlondon @rentaquill @DeanMelbournex @andyetthebooks @KetamineStalin @Actinane Du Maurier is constantly underrated. One of the finest writers of atmosphere and place around.
Du Maurier is constantly underrated. One of the finest writers of atmosphere and place around.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) December 6, 2019