Hookland 7/5/19 17:22:52

@SianEsther While I hate the way some psychogeographers have made walking a fetish to the point they exclude the power of just being in a place, it is our most basic and powerful tools for connecting with the landscape and its stories.

Hookland 7/5/19 17:41:00

@SianEsther There are a group of people that bang on about walking being the only way to ‘unlock your relationship with place’ etc, missing the fact that just stopping and being somewhere, especially for a few hours, can be primal, powerful and a need of the soul.

Hookland 7/5/19 17:43:00

@SianEsther I tend to stand with C.L. Nolan on the matter of folklore and landscape. https://t.co/kopcuqXYTH They dance together, land both inspiring and storing the stories of people who have a relationship with it.

Hookland 7/4/19 0:38:43

@mattstaggs @GhostofCLNolan This is far too kind Matt. It’s @cultauthor rather than Nolan’s Ghost though and I apologise for the lack of a proper website. Hookland lives mainly on Twitter and the free resources like the Writer’s Bible.