@PeterReavill @cliodiaspora I suppose I have to learn to love the phrase: ‘Standard for Hookland’.
I suppose I have to learn to love the phrase: 'Standard for Hookland'.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) April 6, 2019
things are remembered differently
@PeterReavill @cliodiaspora I suppose I have to learn to love the phrase: ‘Standard for Hookland’.
I suppose I have to learn to love the phrase: 'Standard for Hookland'.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) April 6, 2019
When the oil runs out, when the bombs have all been dropped, the horse will be king again. Then people will remember the words to call the old gods to walk beside them. – John Grey, Society of The Word, 1976 #VOH
When the oil runs out, when the bombs have all been dropped, the horse will be king again. Then people will remember the words to call the old gods to walk beside them. – John Grey, Society of The Word, 1976 #VOH
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) April 6, 2019
@MelanieJayne19 Rightfully so!
Rightfully so!
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) April 6, 2019
@MelanieJayne19 I have known members of the Society of The Word and know this to be profoundly true.
I have known members of the Society of The Word and know this to be profoundly true.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) April 6, 2019
Some take the county saying Û÷a head full of faeriesÛª as insult. Some as compliment. For myself, it has conjured since childhood, images of the blighters biting their way out of my skull and as such, is full of #horror. – #CLNolan
Some take the county saying ‘a head full of faeries’ as insult. Some as compliment. For myself, it has conjured since childhood, images of the blighters biting their way out of my skull and as such, is full of #horror. – #CLNolan
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) April 6, 2019
@dedbutdrmng @mattstaggs @GhostofCLNolan That is the sort of back cover blurb I need.
That is the sort of back cover blurb I need.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) April 6, 2019
@dedbutdrmng @mattstaggs @GhostofCLNolan Comethbthe hour, comets the R.J. Barker quote.
Comethbthe hour, comets the R.J. Barker quote.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) April 6, 2019
@MariaStrutz @LilyNath @thevitalspark01 @cultauthor @Leigh_Wright_ @_psonice Owl buns! Hookland canon.
Owl buns! Hookland canon.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) April 6, 2019
@TBFolk The horse lore of the county is as deep as the ghost soil itself.
The horse lore of the county is as deep as the ghost soil itself.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) April 6, 2019
Buildings have not only an atmopshere, but personality. We disregard this fact at our peril. #CLNolan https://t.co/3QonuKmJGT
Buildings have not only an atmopshere, but personality. We disregard this fact at our peril. #CLNolan pic.twitter.com/3QonuKmJGT
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) April 6, 2019