Hookland 7/3/19 3:19:01

@ChrisJosiffe @SpaceWeather9 @cultauthor Because I once did a film treatment of Earl on the run in London, I think I have a full list of hotels, B ‰Û÷n‰Ûª Bs et al that he stayed in. I will dig it out.

Hookland 7/3/19 3:22:42

@ChrisJosiffe @SpaceWeather9 @cultauthor He zig-zagged around Victoria, Earl‰Ûªs Court, Chelsea And Fulham. A creature of the American South profoundly out of tune with the London of the times.

Hookland 7/3/19 4:00:43

@robnitm @OneEyeGrey @ChrisJosiffe @SpaceWeather9 @cultauthor ‰ÛÏHe thought he was up on all the ways of prison. Told me he had made a mint running a dirty book library in the States. I told him he over-estimated British prisoners love of reading. Looking yes, reading no.‰Û – ‰Û÷Mad‰Ûª Frankie Fraser on Earl Ray.