@dumbsupper And he has cat and boat. This is best news.
And he has cat and boat. This is best news.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) December 8, 2019
things are remembered differently
@dumbsupper And he has cat and boat. This is best news.
And he has cat and boat. This is best news.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) December 8, 2019
As you walk, you know this truth, the land holds you as the ghost of tomorrow. – #CLNolan https://t.co/G540cgrRQk
As you walk, you know this truth, the land holds you as the ghost of tomorrow. – #CLNolan pic.twitter.com/G540cgrRQk
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) December 8, 2019
@SianEsther @IcySedgwick @witchwalk @EvilVVitchSure @UniCorpse86 @lonewolfblake1 @KeeliePop @cinemag0er @NickWallaceV @KhdLuca @CaledonianKitty @SantoniDiana @Momoftwins1996 @abhorrently_urs @RemyWarrior @AmberScroggins6 @his_materials @Christi47250171 @Delilahsulliv10 @StrangeAndOdd @grendelvaldez @acpopfreak @syscosgate @stacee_sgotti @Artzilla_1994 @creepycgirl @Filia_Noctiss @mattla08 @LadySpookaria @TheEvilOutcast @dezombified @KlownMedia @ParanormalParot @ArturoS32468818 @RiviasHunter @Marisa3913 @cemetery_eyes @cheja @catherine_hann @FolkloreThurs @CMRosens @CineLore @siobhancoda @Misterimhotep @reviewwales @ClockworkSelkie @disorganed @Sylvarwolf @vidarrbjorn @SketchesbyBoze Thank you. Beyond kind. I always feel an impostor on a list as rich and deep as this.
Thank you. Beyond kind. I always feel an impostor on a list as rich and deep as this.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) December 9, 2019
There are parishes in Hookland where the passing bell never went out of fashion. Each death marked, each spirit warded against. A paranoid ringing to tell of an ongoing spiritual war. – #CLNolan
There are parishes in Hookland where the passing bell never went out of fashion. Each death marked, each spirit warded against. A paranoid ringing to tell of an ongoing spiritual war. – #CLNolan
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) December 9, 2019
I have seen one century wane to lazy decadence, another grow from its corpse, groping towards darkness. None of those who work with blood and stars have convinced me that timeÛªs narrative has an incline towards good. – #CLNolan
I have seen one century wane to lazy decadence, another grow from its corpse, groping towards darkness. None of those who work with blood and stars have convinced me that time’s narrative has an incline towards good. – #CLNolan
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) December 9, 2019
They say the Repton Central Library is the most haunted public library in Britain. On such matters, it is generally best not to argue. https://t.co/PniAkE5mLp
They say the Repton Central Library is the most haunted public library in Britain. On such matters, it is generally best not to argue. pic.twitter.com/PniAkE5mLp
— ReptonGuide (@ReptonGuide) November 8, 2019
The bars on the windows of Coldfield Asylum somewhat spoil the view. https://t.co/Rhr6N5Hl5h
The bars on the windows of Coldfield Asylum somewhat spoil the view. pic.twitter.com/Rhr6N5Hl5h
— ReptonGuide (@ReptonGuide) November 9, 2019
Those songs sung to the land in summer are now rotted down in the ghost soil memory of the year. All rite and ritual turns to death. We shall be cold and long in the earth of winter. https://t.co/i7j00MM4y3
Those songs sung to the land in summer are now rotted down in the ghost soil memory of the year. All rite and ritual turns to death. We shall be cold and long in the earth of winter. pic.twitter.com/i7j00MM4y3
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) November 8, 2019
Death stalks Weychester Cathedral. Spearing souls across the narrow stream of death. The constant predator. https://t.co/LdTuAkoy15
Death stalks Weychester Cathedral. Spearing souls across the narrow stream of death. The constant predator. pic.twitter.com/LdTuAkoy15
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) November 8, 2019
@APuntoYa Death recognises no status, no gender, no mercy.
Death recognises no status, no gender, no mercy.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) November 8, 2019