Hookland 1/9/20 7:25:09

@sethanikeem @GroupHookland @casskhaw @cultauthor When you have spent all your life at the window looking in, when you are the margin, you always feel like the imposture in the narrative arc of your own life.

Hookland 1/9/20 18:41:26

Only in England with its obsession with the weather do we find meteorology replaced by ghost observation. The villagers of Horngate swearing that a sighting of black shape at the old mill foretells storm, foretells flood. – George Kindred. ‰Û÷Haunted Hookland‰Ûª, 1970

Hookland 1/9/20 20:41:05

It is September 1st, a powerful day of folklore in the county and one of the most terrifying nights of my childhood. The amazing art depicting The Parade of Hoods is by @MariaStrutz https://t.co/ivSSAP65Z2

Hookland 1/9/20 21:35:04

@MartinB_Archaeo The Parade of Hoods was certainly celebrated in 1970s Essex, though people now like to gloss over it due to the big breasts, mocking of epileptic fits and leprosy.