Hookland 1/12/20 4:11:48

Some cunning are said to know how to set the Devil himself as guardian. While Old Clip is a mighty watchdog to have, dealing with him always costs. Maybe blood, maybe your most precious memory that you aren‰Ûªt yourself without. The Devil is never good value. – Cunning Jack Rosehip

Hookland 1/12/20 4:58:52

They talk of the Corpse Kings of Barrowcross, the Witch-Mothers of the Nine Hills as things which one could reach out and grasp in one had the courage. To Hooklanders, superstition is not smoke, it is substance. – Rev. Ambrose Predis, 1903

Hookland 1/12/20 6:05:37

They put the word true in front of things – True Detective, True Romance, based on true story – for one of two reasons. They either want to sell you some truly unbelievable bullshit or what actually occurred is so batshit even most Hooklanders wouldn‰Ûªt believe it. – #DICallaghan