Hookland 1/10/20 4:42:03

I saw the silliest thing in the shops today – a sign saying ‘The Witch is in’. My first thought was: ‘This is Hookland – the witch is never out.’ – #EmilyBanting, 1982 #WitchWednesday https://t.co/BICqTGAAzN

Hookland 1/10/20 5:30:08

The witch has many birds, but it’s the swan she sings to. It’s the swan that carries messages to her dead sisters. It’s swan that gives her feathers for her grave cloak. If you want a witch’s wrath, harm a swam. No curse will cut you deeper. #EmilyBanting, 1981 #WitchWednesday https://t.co/IX41RFGZjd

Hookland 1/10/20 15:40:49

Danny Tyler. Another shitty singer who wanted to be the high black demon of rock ‰Ûªn‰Ûª roll, but was possessed by so many drugs he‰Ûªs currently bouncing between thinking he‰Ûªs a Space Jesus and making comebacks on kids‰Ûª TV. ‰ÛÒ #DICallaghan is the last person you want reviewing your LP