Hookland 2/12/20 7:27:41

They call the ghost dwelling in the walls of The Craven Arms, Ashcourt, ‰Û÷Mr. Smoke‰Ûª. Staff jokingly say he‰Ûªs formed from all the gaspers ever smoked by the pub‰Ûªs customers. He‰Ûªs described as ‰Û÷a tumble of smoke, like you get if you put a glass vase over a candle till it goes out‰Ûª.

Hookland 2/12/20 8:32:53

I am afraid computer issues mean I cannot provide your with a gothic advent calendar of a pictorial Hookland one. Instead, as a poor recompense, each day I will tell you which item is hung on the #HooklandChristmasTree.

Hookland 2/12/20 8:43:48

Day One of the #HooklandChristmasTree Decoration begins with an Empress Eel garland draped across the branches. No tawdry tinsel, but shimmer and reflecting gleam of stuffed eel skin. The Empress Eel‰Ûªs head watching from the needles with black glass eyes and a polished tin crown.