Hookland 2/11/20 2:18:35

@georgebernhard @HorrifiedMag A visit to BBC sounds will almost always produces one good listen, but typing BBC Radio Ghost/Horror/Supernatural will provide a wonderful rabbit hole.

Hookland 2/11/20 2:20:07

@georgebernhard @HorrifiedMag Not currently having a computer I cannot provide links or my own list, but trust me, it takes little effort to find a wealth of good folkloric and British horror drama.

Hookland 2/11/20 2:40:05

There‰Ûªs a group of hills on the eastern edge of Barrowcross they call the Pony Hills. Most reckon them haunted, but not by people, but by ghosts of vanished trees that made a forest and animals we don‰Ûªt have now. Shades of bears, great worms and the ruffled fox. – Tom Rudd #VOH

Hookland 2/11/20 2:52:04

@georgebernhard @HorrifiedMag No chastisement, just a gentle reminder that the BBC has producing audio horror, folklore and the strange since 1938 and sometimes, when the stars align, it is blinking wonderful gear.

Hookland 2/11/20 2:55:33

Some Hookland context (mainly for @MariaStrutz). While most naturalists dispute the ruffled fox ever existed, cryptozoologists compare it to the South American maned wolf and postulate it existence from the numerous historical accounts of it in the county.