Hookland 2/11/20 21:15:52

One person‰Ûªs petroglyph depicting a ‰Û÷spirit ship‰Ûª is another person‰Ûªs ‰Û÷rough crescent with vertical lines‰Ûª. To say the lines found on a rock on Barrowcross represent ‰Û÷psychic directions to the area‰Ûªs burial mounds as isles of the dead‰Ûª is pushing it. – Dr. Michael Benn

Hookland 2/11/20 21:27:22

@ivan007 @saltysaltyhamm @LastChangeling Another reason vile is there is because sometimes it beholds us as writers to remember that there are not only whole cultures where misogyny is normalised, but many who don‰Ûªt get its inherent vileness and who need our reaction to its casual use externalised.

Hookland 2/11/20 21:30:08

@ivan007 @saltysaltyhamm @LastChangeling Because as a fellow writer you know what it means and why it is there and to make the observation on a point you actually agree with that sort of focus on one word above sentiment comes across as snark.

Hookland 2/11/20 21:34:02

@ivan007 @saltysaltyhamm @LastChangeling Of course, people are free to make observations – Hookland by its very nature is a recognition that control of interpretation ends at the send button – but as writers, we do have the right to say which observations are helpful, interesting, witty and which ones seem unnecessary.

Hookland 2/11/20 21:39:50

@ivan007 @saltysaltyhamm @LastChangeling So what you are doing here is giving me a style critique of the way I use language while not disagreeing with the sentiment that the language has clearly made clear enough for you to agree with it and you don‰Ûªt expect me to feel that as snark and pisspuffinry?

Hookland 2/11/20 21:46:58

@Ghostwoods @TamlynRogers @PhilH86835657 I was at one point, but the failing flesh of fingers hitting wrong buttons or the Twitter unfollowing rafts of people after an outage thing means you often lose people. I once lost Sardonicus that way and it took me months to work it out as I still saw his content so often.

Hookland 2/11/20 21:49:40

@ivan007 @saltysaltyhamm @LastChangeling You see it as preposterous, I see it as an unnecessary style critique and think: Why do you do that? If the best reaction you expect is meh, why do it?