@blacktelescope We did a watch-along of it in lockdown. It was lovely to watch it with a crowd.
We did a watch-along of it in lockdown. It was lovely to watch it with a crowd.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) August 5, 2020
things are remembered differently
@blacktelescope We did a watch-along of it in lockdown. It was lovely to watch it with a crowd.
We did a watch-along of it in lockdown. It was lovely to watch it with a crowd.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) August 5, 2020
@blacktelescope I havenÛªt posted that A-Z yet.
I haven’t posted that A-Z yet.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) August 5, 2020
@amyhale93 Those are sublime.
Those are sublime.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) August 5, 2020
@blacktelescope It may become an annual thing.
It may become an annual thing.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) August 5, 2020
@blacktelescope You have to understand I am trying to leave at least a yearÛªs worth of Hookland posts and a couple of short books like the A-Zs behind ahead of my death. It will see the light of day sometime.
You have to understand I am trying to leave at least a year’s worth of Hookland posts and a couple of short books like the A-Zs behind ahead of my death. It will see the light of day sometime.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) August 5, 2020
@ccohanlon Spite. Jealousy. Casual, weaponised nihilism. These are terrible things to endure from strangers, let alone Û÷friendsÛª.
Spite. Jealousy. Casual, weaponised nihilism. These are terrible things to endure from strangers, let alone ‘friends’.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) August 5, 2020
@Stevevolkwriter As a former Director of the British Retail Consortium I can give you a full answer, but I think you would want to punch me to make me stop after the first five minutes.
As a former Director of the British Retail Consortium I can give you a full answer, but I think you would want to punch me to make me stop after the first five minutes.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) August 5, 2020
@blacktelescope Possibly on Bob PeckÛªs or TKMÛªs birthday.
Possibly on Bob Peck’s or TKM’s birthday.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) August 5, 2020
@accordingtoJonD @Stevevolkwriter I did the dark arts for years after Û÷leavingÛª journalism.
I did the dark arts for years after ‘leaving’ journalism.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) August 5, 2020
@accordingtoJonD @Stevevolkwriter Never an issue in COBRA meetings.
Never an issue in COBRA meetings.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) August 5, 2020