Hookland 6/12/20 4:04:24

@GBliss Writing is a territory of doubt in all our navigations of it. At least description is the easiest thing to fix (also one of the easiest things to teach in writing). Don‰Ûªt ever be intimidated, be inspired is possibly the best attitude for any writer, so you are doing just fine.

Hookland 6/12/20 4:09:36

@ryanliveson @SwanRiverPress @lowtheband Is it Keel‰Ûªs book? Vaguely. Is it a good telling of the Mothman story? Not really. Is it a film that understands Forteana, grief and the dislocation that comes from chasing down strangeness? Oh yes! It is also well-scored, beautifully shot and has a grand 1970s US film feel.

Hookland 6/12/20 4:14:59

@SwanRiverPress @bwianair @ryanliveson @lowtheband The warping gravity of grief, the lenses we wear when dealing with the unfathomable – whether it is death or uncanny avatars – is the core of it to me. That it does that exploration within what feels like a throwback to Parallax or All The Presidents Men at times is quite joyous.

Hookland 6/12/20 4:16:39

@SwanRiverPress @ryanliveson @lowtheband Bill Hicks once said to me: ‰ÛÏThe dance with mystery evolves us.‰Û Ever since then I have tended to see those who cannot handle mystery as somewhat regressive.

Hookland 6/12/20 4:20:55

@ryanliveson @SwanRiverPress @lowtheband I think its slickness has been used against it. It‰Ûªs as if some cannot take to strange stories unless they can crow about their roughness, verity et al. The catalogue of great, truly odd films and slick films is deep (Jacob‰Ûªs Ladder, Angel Heart et al) and this is among them.

Hookland 6/12/20 4:27:00

@ryanliveson @SwanRiverPress @lowtheband When I get around to pulling Hicks ghost out of the shorthand and actually publishing the interview there is a great bit where he talks about UFOs as a cultural need for mystery, the need to be haunted by questions as the true lesson from conspiracy theory.

Hookland 6/12/20 4:40:02

@ryanliveson @SwanRiverPress @lowtheband Most of the interview was about conspiracy theory. I doubt he would have been surprised as he was off the view that certain conspiracy theories tell you more about the conspiracist than anything else: ‰ÛÏIf you hate Jews, the Jews killed JFK. If you hate Onassis, he did it.‰Û

Hookland 6/12/20 4:44:18

@ryanliveson @EvilStevieB @SwanRiverPress @lowtheband Having been on Ancient Aliens as a voice of reason (‰ÛÏIt demeans humanity to say we could not discover fire‰Û) I am fairly certain it is a Scientology conspiracy and don‰Ûªt get me started on ‰Û÷ghost bro‰Ûª shows.