Hookland 6/12/20 10:44:46

Triboluminescence – the discharge of light from quartz – has been used by some of my fellow archaeologists to explain all manner of malarkey. However, the stones of Hookland and elsewhere refuse easy answers and so do I. – K. Brophy, Keeper of Hookland’s Stones, 1981

Hookland 6/12/20 10:55:38

@GBliss With the kids I have been mentoring, a lot of the homework was also watching movies, looking at story structure in video games. I remain convinced that we can learn lesson anywhere, (I also took them on a visit to a hospital to show them how to observe et al).

Hookland 6/12/20 11:02:55

@GBliss Two of the texts/authors I used to teach using place as character/graceful, economic description were @StephenKing‰Ûªs ‰Û÷Salem‰Ûªs Lot‰Ûª and Len Deighton‰Ûªs ‰Û÷SS GB‰Ûª.

Hookland 6/12/20 11:08:01

@GBliss @StephenKing I have used Damon Runyon, Raymond Chandler and @Richard_Kadrey to teach what I call ‰Û÷the three-inch power punch‰Ûª description technique and dialogue. All three are masters of both. ‰Û÷That blond was like a split lip‰Ûª is a line that has been a rudder for me for years.

Hookland 6/12/20 11:22:03

@GBliss When you find a learning point, get a revelation – talk about it, share. Your insights are as likely to be useful to a fellow writer as anything a famous author throws out.