Hookland 9/8/20 6:18:38

@MadeleineSwann Pisspuffins are going to do pisspuffinry. It is hard to ignore these paper cuts to the soul, but these are not your audience, these are people you would cross the street to avoid. Block and remember: you are not the troll whisperer.

Hookland 9/8/20 6:32:06

@cottagecoregoth Every time @London_darkside likes or retweets a bit of Hookland, I let out an inner whoop. Not only of the best non-fiction writers – always graceful, poetic and accessible – but one of the best writers, one of the best story-tellers around.

Hookland 9/8/20 19:47:34

@gwenofmonmouth @hannahkateboast Hookland comes in part from being sent to various rural hells as a child. Being the one from ‰Û÷London‰Ûª at a village school, the outsider in hyper-local culture streams gives you both a perception of the wonderful strangeness and a sense of how certain places crush the different.