Hookland 9/12/20 9:50:27

Some say the stones were raised to shackle the stars above. Some say they are stoppers on the valves of Hell itself. Anyone who claims an answer to them instead of offering a story they like to believe is a liar. – Tom Rudd #VOH https://t.co/WwZyZ2xUrJ

Hookland 9/12/20 19:26:37

Enchantment terrifies both those who deny magic‰Ûªs existence and those fervently holding to it. Both see its effect on others and know that irrelevant of belief, it‰Ûªs a real power – they just disagree on how and what it is the witch actually wields. – Faith Dunmort #WitchWednesday

Hookland 9/12/20 21:46:58

@EllenJRogers I don‰Ûªt use it except as a quick editing tool (lo-tec thicko as I am), but it isn‰Ûªt is clearly an eroding space for many of its users. Biting into the Keeping-Up-With-Jones is always a damaging navigation, but Instagram‰Ûªs mix of commodification, validation and keeping up is toxic

Hookland 9/12/20 21:47:14

I am a witch, I know how to bind a lover, but I would want no lover I had to bind. I know what to scratch upon a nail to pierce a heart, but if I need nails, it‰Ûªs not a heart worth piercing. – #EmilyBanting #WitchWednesday