Hookland 9/12/20 22:13:24

@EllenJRogers More and more I come to believe as a community we need to be coming up with alternative networks because the long-term damage to work and artists from some of these apps is going to be hard to repair and we are only at the start of seeing the extent of the erosion caused.

Hookland 9/12/20 22:13:50

The true magical revival is not of some Margaret Murray or Gerald Gardner fantasy of a continuous old religion, but a return to magical thinking itself. It is in this resurgence that witchcraft has been reborn, not some jury-rigged origin story. – #EmilyBanting #WitchWednesday

Hookland 9/12/20 22:17:41

@AeideMenin Poetry and literature can be magical acts (this project is an act of active enchantment). While life is most definitely an act of narrative will, basing your magics on someone else‰Ûªs invented origin story with a side-order of claimed authenticity, may not be helpful.

Hookland 9/12/20 22:26:06

@MatPringle @EllenJRogers Given the inherent nature of Hookland, I tend to be shielded from the worst of that, but it is one of the reasons I avoid Facebook and Instagram. That warping gravity on work is often both malign and subtle.