Hookland 12/1/21 4:05:53

I gave them the same lecture I gave at Midsummer pleading with them to stop calling the Devil ‘His Satanic Majesty’ and bringing wood avon into their homes as herbal exorcism. I’m sure it had as little impact as last time. – Rev. Julian Ambrose, vicar of St. James the Beggar

Hookland 12/1/21 2:07:52

The bucolic is a persistent lie and so is that of the jolly farmer. If there ever was a class of grim-faced, haunt-hollowed folk it‰Ûªs farmers. Their battered barns are ghost-havens, their fields and cattle sprite-plagued. To work the land is to be superstitious. – #CLNolan https://t.co/Jmd6gGoQAL

Hookland 12/1/21 0:48:37

There are folklorists who think less of their ancestors than they should, folklorists who believe those who went before could not tell difference between Puck and the Devil. To imagine that those in the past were incapable of nuance is the height of arrogance. – #CLNolan, 1935

Hookland 1/6/21 3:24:38

Everyone’s power runs out at the coast. Every Hooklander knows where the domain of the King-Under-the-Sea begins. – Katherine Giddings, Hookland artist talking about her 1939 painting ‘Demarcation IV’ https://t.co/H9bUkXn8p9