Hookland 1/5/21 16:33:06

May morning is hazed by distant drums, the rustle and snap of foliate flags. Soon the little strings of musicians serenading each street in the town will knot together at the head of Long Cobble, parade the secret songs through the town. #MayDay

Hookland 1/5/21 17:55:37

Come May Day‰Ûªs dawn, the young will dress the town with green, the old orchestra of rough musicians walk the streets and play the the land‰Ûªs tunes for a liquid breakfast. Songs so secret their lyrics can only be sung on this day when the world is wide to wild magics. #MayDay

Hookland 1/5/21 18:57:29

Those that spent last night waking the Ghost Bear so he could come to dance the May, rise from their beds. Heavy with ale, bonefire-smoked hair, they yawn, feel the itch of feral passions. Some wake to dress in white linen and flower, one wakes to wear the bearskin. #MayDay