Hookland 1/5/21 21:08:35

@PhilH86835657 What happens when spiritual improvement is category error? A mislabelling of smugness? What happens when spiritual improvement is so relentlessly middle class it excludes working class like beer?

Hookland 1/5/21 22:39:57

Marshstone‰Ûªs May Day bone horse refuses a set parade. Sworn only to blessing of landmarks, it does as it wants. Unlike other bone horses, it stays on after its first appearance for a few days to dance with the inhabitants. Many say this due to the strength of local ale. #MayDay https://t.co/i6fBKDWVa7

Hookland 1/4/21 1:28:28

I can choose to scry in the bitter puddles of a land fractured by property developers, poisoned by agricultural greed or I can turn my witchery against these enemies. You may call it psychic terrorism, I call it voicing the ghost soil. – #EmilyBanting #WitchWednesday