Hookland 2/4/21 23:16:57

@lamplighter___ @cultauthor This is an English project about England. Erasure of language doesn‰Ûªt serve history – English nor Irish. Aside from Romanichal stock, I am long in London Irish diaspora, so I know the other meaning, but that should not override the other English meanings of the term.

Hookland 2/3/21 1:01:53

Half-forgotten chapels, all wood-strangled and unpicked by weather. The anchor of ghosts trying to remember prayers that open the way to heaven or at least something beyond being constantly called upon by children on a dare. – #CLNolan https://t.co/lqhTmCaUfl

Hookland 2/3/21 2:14:29

We like St. Wuna in these parts. She likes the young ‰Û÷uns, heals a fever she does. Lady of the labourers some call her. You don‰Ûªt take her name in vain less you want a kicking. Too many in her debt. Too many knows the secrets of her well. – John Hawes #VOH

Hookland 2/3/21 4:26:38

The tradition of hooded figures in Hookland, often depicted as wearing hats with long lapels down the back, took somewhat of a mocking when a certain archaeologist began to refer to them as ‰Û÷men in Noddy caps‰Ûª.