Hookland 2/3/21 9:11:47

@susieoftraken @lazcorp In my childhood animism, all extinct dinosaurs still existed as spirits, waiting to incarnate in suitable representations of their former forms. Hence, all mechanical dinosaurs were doomed to be possessed, as were all Invicta dinosaur toys.

Hookland 2/3/21 20:53:26

It was a wood sprite dawn. Birdsong was scarce. The sun, tired from moving through the mire between winter and spring wheezed as it climbed. Instead of frost, the trees held a dusting of last night‰Ûªs malignity. – #CLNolan https://t.co/qfq69xJkAI

Hookland 2/3/21 23:00:13

You never understand the importance of a mediaeval cloister till it‰Ûªs pissing down. Mediaeval architecture only makes sense if you remember it‰Ûªs having to cope with either the Warm Period, Little Ice Age or just the English Rain Interval which has never stopped. – #DICallaghan