Hookland 2/4/21 16:13:50

The dead go dream-walking, kick stones against memories. Shuffle the fortune cards when a reading is taking place at the end of the pier. A hundred minor manifestations to fight against the erasure of time. The ghosts‰Ûª message is so often: ‰Û÷Don‰Ûªt forget us!‰Ûª – C. Josiffe, 1953

Hookland 2/4/21 19:23:41

The lost dead, whether drowned subjects of the King-Under-the-Sea or the conscripted sons of England made bones, lying in foreign mud, always try to find their way home. It is said the London to Ashcourt road is ghost-crowded for just this reason. – C. Josiffe, 1948

Hookland 2/4/21 20:42:01

@Bluebookballoon @imyril @bkfrgr @Behindthepages1 @dalewritesstuff @Luke_Scull @DWalters29 @osborne_dean @LibraryOfAViki1 @WS_BOOKCLUB @FantasyBookNerd @bookish_witches @deargeekplace @thesffreader @SFFjonbob @jakeisreading @waytoofantasy @BiblioSanctum @AquaVenatus @Infinite_Ollie @runalongwomble @voyagerarina @GNutsofHorror @Crusaderofchaos @dakegra @RisingshadowNet @TheMiddleShelf1 @SarcasticEnigma @HooklandE Thank you.

Hookland 2/4/21 21:06:46

We dance with place and project spectres upon it. Feel no surprise when it projects back. A mutual infection of stories. Ghost soil communion. – Tattoo Labyrinth Dave #WyrdWanderings https://t.co/LPvrUbGf6Y

Hookland 2/4/21 22:46:35

Hedge-school – a nebulous term even by Hookland standards that may refer to the congregation of a hedge-priest receiving the feral communion offered by tramp clerics or may refer to teaching of the cunning folk to their children on the use of items harvested from the hedge #HWOTD

Hookland 2/4/21 23:01:49

@lamplighter___ I am of Romanichal stock. My ancestors were having Acts of the English Parliament passed against them long before there was ever a British Empire (1530 for the first Egyptian Act). I save my political rants for the tongue of my @cultauthor head.

Hookland 2/4/21 23:06:50

@handmadesound @LittleOnion I would say that, Tattoo Labyrinth Dave would say that, but you how many pisspuffin psychogeographers would put theory ahead of the primal engagement of place would say otherwise.