Hookland 12/3/21 1:59:06

Sea-wards – or as some call them scaregulls – come in many forms. Most are turned to gaze at the waves so that the drowned dead may not creep up at them. Others are brave enough to turn their backs as if daring any foam-foal to trying coming onto to land to try trample them. https://t.co/wszOWCSY6M

Hookland 12/3/21 0:48:23

Hookland‰Ûªs tidal children know rough salt-kisses and the uncertainty of the shore. They know to pay tithe to King-Under-the-Sea for every washed-up treasure. A pouring of pop from a bottle or a squeezing of blood from a safety pin scratch. The chant: PAY THE KING! PAY THE KING! https://t.co/sc5oz0TIph

Hookland 3/6/21 0:21:37

There is talk of mystical charcoal burners. Brothers and sisters of the Smoke. Claims they have seen things in the swirl, that they cough secrets, write in soot sigils. Tales of what goes on in their hut circles drifts into the local pubs as folklore miasma. – #CLNolan