Hookland 12/4/21 1:08:19

In the 18th century, a ship called The Grey Mission docked in Ashcourt. Its crew went among locals to persuade them to live under ‰Û÷Articles‰Ûª in a pirate colony off of the West Coast of Africa. The ship and many citizens disappeared before the authorities could intervene. #OTDIH

Hookland 12/4/21 0:15:28

The human is an unpleasant creature. Can you blame us for avoiding its company? When they will so readily make each other slaves, what would they do to us? – ‰Û÷Conversations with Hob‰Ûª, 1896, transcribed by Rev. H.R. Fade

Hookland 11/4/21 17:17:22

In most cases, the boneyards of Hookland are relatively unhaunted by county standards. However, the grounds of St. Mary Magdalene are plagued by reports of something known to locals as either ‰Û÷the Shambling‰Ûª or ‰Û÷the Dragger‰Ûª which appears to pull a body in a rope net behind it. https://t.co/cDO6xQc6lv

Hookland 11/4/21 9:29:46

The village‰Ûªs children turn to face the wall as they sleep in case the Eye-Eater looks through the window during the night and takes a liking to their peepers. They refuse nightlights in case their illumination provides him with a better view than the beam of his swinging torch.

Hookland 11/4/21 3:54:25

The wooden knights of England cast long shadows of prayer. Sometimes we fall into their dreams and wake knowing their wants. Sometimes we catch their wooden lips twitching, hear the requests of God. Oh Lord let me sleep and let the dragons sleep a little longer too. – #CLNolan https://t.co/WBeTciYc6Z