Hookland 7/5/21 20:23:04

For I am of that feral England – all wood tangle, wind-bullied scarp, moor stones that scrape low skies. I will bow to the crown of hill rather than one of gold. Drink with poacher, refuse ale with estate agent. My England is green. My England is wild. – #CLNolan https://t.co/ZgLCPcmSL4

Hookland 7/5/21 21:36:12

There is a secret England. An England run on an infrastructure of prick-finger and apple brandy libation. It‰Ûªs intelligence network is formed from a thousand pairs of crow‰Ûªs eyes. It‰Ûªs army manned by wood sprites and field hobs. I count myself a citizen of it. – #CLNolan

Hookland 7/4/21 4:15:40

My friend and Hookland pubcast co-host @ChrisJosiffe is a fine man – his index for measuring glove thickness is based around dormice teeth and hedgepig spines – and today we have agreed the format for the show and a vague start date. Also, a limit on dormice talk.