Hookland 10/5/21 18:57:20

We walk the ways of the wood bordered by wild garlic and the promise of feral magics. However broad the path, the wood still entangles us. Trees singing to the parts of the DNA museum that remember when deer first made these tracks. – Tattoo Labyrinth Dave #WyrdWanderings https://t.co/JjrOmYdi09

Hookland 10/5/21 19:00:25

@KealanBurke More likely to come back as a hundred thousand tiny ghosts on the run from the Grand Spirit of Revenge Against Carbon Pisspuffinry (doubly so if you have a NFT tombstone).

Hookland 10/5/21 20:56:31

@JonathanLHoward There is a cinema in Hookland that shows films from parallel dimensions – the Shirley Remple/W.C. Fields ‰Û÷Wizard of Oz‰Ûª, the David Lynch Revenge of the Jedi – and I would like to think there is a Jimmy Stewart as Norman Bates out there too.