Hookland 10/4/21 3:14:49

@MadelonWise Look back at previous ones using #HookWatch. It is usually comments as people watch along, but often there is a little discussion a little time afterwards as people catch-up.

Hookland 10/4/21 3:25:58

@MadelonWise It just aims to be a conversation on a couch while watching TV to erode some of the loneliness and disconnect felt during this bruising season.

Hookland 10/4/21 3:55:09

While on the train, we often become overshadowed by a strange feeling that a copse we have never seen or noticed before, contains a buried body or a forgotten deposit of treasure. Some part of us wants to pull the emergency cord and run towards it. Such temptation. – #CLNolan https://t.co/WWajNKhGlo

Hookland 10/4/21 20:45:39

There are some brasses that should not be rubbed. Brasses that chart a family curse. Brasses that act as infection vector for haunting, ghost contagion. Don‰Ûªt rub the brasses at St. Severing, Scanesford, just don‰Ûªt. https://t.co/SbXT3iZEKw