Hookland 10/4/21 23:57:43

Those lonely homes with sea views pay a shivering toll. Burdened by a too intimate knowledge of the King-Under-the-Sea, harried by a remembrance of glimpses. All those things that broke the surface – black, twisting, reflecting the sun as if their skins were coated with diamonds. https://t.co/22RYJvw0eo

ReptonGuide 10/3/21 0:58:37

Folklore has grown up around the bins at the end of the waste chutes on the Grayson Estate. Rumours of half-pig, half-man creatures that emerge from underground to root among the trash. Whenever the police are called they say it‰Ûªs vagrants, but the stories persist.

Hookland 10/3/21 0:37:53

Many UFOs are reported as moving silently, the Great Nerthering sighting was accompanied by ‰Û÷a painful drone in which were sounds like someone pulling keys down piano strings and someone rubbing the edge of a wine glass‰Ûª. – S. York, ‰Û÷UFOs – A Hookland Chronicon‰Ûª, 1976

Hookland 10/3/21 2:47:31

#HooklandTrivia ‰Û÷Songs of the Skyships‰Ûª – an album in the ‰Û÷darkscape‰Ûª genre and based on accounts of encounters with UFOs in Hookland – tries to recreate the sound of the Great Nethering UFO by use of keys on piano wires, fingers on wine glasses and an EMS VCS3 oscillator.

Hookland 10/3/21 3:17:01

We wear saint signs, tie them with ribbons of prayer to charm trees. We make wishes to wood that sound like screams in hope they will rise to the heavens or travel with the roots deep into the ghost soil. We want to heal. We want an end to the tearing dislocation of pain. https://t.co/6NQVO4xko6