Hookland 11/1/21 0:03:03

@stewarthome1 @PhilH86835657 Even in the darkest bit of Essex, The Shed was synonym for wankery with a side-order of National Front. The bike-shop owner who was known to do repairs for ‘free’ if you distributed NF leaflets for him, also used to do a charity mini-bus to take kids to see Chelsea.

Hookland 11/1/21 0:08:41

@stewarthome1 @PhilH86835657 At least the child grooming by West Ham was a bit more ogranised and without the NF angle. As one of ‘poor’ kids social services took an interest in, we went on West Ham coach trips to the Zoo with an end-of-day gift of souvenir Led Zeppelin key-rings.

Hookland 11/1/21 2:42:03

There is a class of horror movie so bad that it reverses unknowingly into great and a class of horror movie that most regard as dire, but you have a personal uncomplicated love for – Split Second, Q – The Winged Serpent – which you always try to advocate to others as ‰Û÷worth it‰Ûª.

Hookland 11/1/21 2:55:28

Eventually, there comes a day when you realise your relationship with the work is enough. It connects with you. No need to be an ambassador, no need to justify it, just enjoy. If you are wise, you‰Ûªll realise that there is a lesson here for you about creating/finding an audience.