@MariaStrutz It all gets resolved tomorrow, but I cannot promise that it wonÛªt be tension and terror free.
It all gets resolved tomorrow, but I cannot promise that it won’t be tension and terror free.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) March 10, 2021
things are remembered differently
@MariaStrutz It all gets resolved tomorrow, but I cannot promise that it wonÛªt be tension and terror free.
It all gets resolved tomorrow, but I cannot promise that it won’t be tension and terror free.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) March 10, 2021
@schoolofnight @davidmbarnett And Susan Cooper.
And Susan Cooper.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) March 10, 2021
Thornthew is the Hookland word for the act of malign witchery where being scratched my a magical thorn or other implement stole away the victim۪a will and made them open to command. The word comes from the Old English p̩ow meaning slave or servant. #WitchWednesday
Thornthew is the Hookland word for the act of malign witchery where being scratched my a magical thorn or other implement stole away the victim’a will and made them open to command. The word comes from the Old English péow meaning slave or servant. #WitchWednesday
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) March 10, 2021
@tkradio Is that the well/known pro-white ethnostate, anti-Semitic and Christian and Moslem abusing Carolyn Emerick you are quoting?
Is that the well/known pro-white ethnostate, anti-Semitic and Christian and Moslem abusing Carolyn Emerick you are quoting?
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) March 10, 2021
As a typical of many old institutions, Weychester University has several positions with peculiar titles. While Keeper of Ghosts and Lord of the Bones seem quite standard for such places, the employment of a Witch Warden raises some eyebrows. #WitchWednesday
As a typical of many old institutions, Weychester University has several positions with peculiar titles. While Keeper of Ghosts and Lord of the Bones seem quite standard for such places, the employment of a Witch Warden raises some eyebrows. #WitchWednesday
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) March 10, 2021
@SQLPi @jac201315 Hookland works on principles of deep hospitality – to kin, strangers , spirits and sprites.
Hookland works on principles of deep hospitality – to kin, strangers , spirits and sprites.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) March 10, 2021
@SQLPi @jac201315 While no Englishman should ever be foolish enough to involve himself in Texan business, any violation of traditional rules of hospitality is always to be frowned upon. These subtle bonds and contracts should not be broken – not only due to manners, but due to their psychic glue.
While no Englishman should ever be foolish enough to involve himself in Texan business, any violation of traditional rules of hospitality is always to be frowned upon. These subtle bonds and contracts should not be broken – not only due to manners, but due to their psychic glue.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) March 10, 2021
@jac201315 @TexasMonthly @thetexanist Here is the cave-old rule that many have forgotten, when you step over the threshold into anotherÛªs abode, you bring something to give (often your custom) and you receive some tokens of welcome. Mess with this and you mess with civility and civilisation.
Here is the cave-old rule that many have forgotten, when you step over the threshold into another’s abode, you bring something to give (often your custom) and you receive some tokens of welcome. Mess with this and you mess with civility and civilisation.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) March 10, 2021
@jac201315 @TexasMonthly @thetexanist Well, as an Englishman, all I will say is do you want to be closer to New York?
Well, as an Englishman, all I will say is do you want to be closer to New York?
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) March 10, 2021
@jac201315 @TexasMonthly @thetexanist Also, the universe works on the principal of enlightened self-interest. Free chips and salsa would always get my custom.
Also, the universe works on the principal of enlightened self-interest. Free chips and salsa would always get my custom.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) March 10, 2021