Hookland is a fictional county in England. Repton is a fictional borough of London in the same open world setting. Both are the creations of author David Southwell, their rich folklore and history set out on Twitter over the last several years, written initially as excerpts from a Phoenix Guide to the county, then later including transcripts of radio broadcasts, diary entries and an ongoing series of interviews with Hookland residents.
The world of Hookland is free for people to use, to create within and take inspiration from, within certain parameters. (These will be set out here once the immediate work of building infrastructure is complete.)
This is not an official web site for the Hookland and Repton projects. It is not run or maintained by David Southwell. He holds no responsibility for what any of us are up to. We are a community of artists, musicians, writers, bakers, archaeologists, folklorists and hopeless dilettantes; of people who have found a home in Hookland.
The work presented here may at times be only distantly tangential to Hookland, indeed sometimes apparently unrelated. We aim to carry forward the spirit of Hookland as well as the letter.