Hookland 11/1/21 23:15:38

“Remember that hippy Guv?” “Which hippy? There are so many of them.” “The one that took that acid and thought all the black witches’ butter fungus was one self-aware entity planning to possess people.” “How could I forget.” “Just been found dead in the woods.” – #DICallaghan

Hookland 11/1/21 22:26:42

Bonfire smoke ghosts play at the end of garden where it meets the wood. Strings of bryony berries – you remember Nan telling you they were called the Devil’s cherries – loop from trees. Winter is walking down the lane. London now seems a more impossible idea than sleeping gods.

Hookland 11/1/21 21:36:56

@amyhale93 @GanferHaarFinn @FolkloreFilmFes @Iconawrites @deannaraybourn @TheSacredIsle @folk_horror @mjpcuervo @katelaity @DeeDeeChainey @FolkloreThurs @andypaciorekart @RichlyEvocative @lazcorp Hale, this is going to be a thing at some point and if you think it is a thing I’d do without you, then you are mistaken.

Hookland 11/1/21 21:30:36

@AntipodeanWyrd That was a good read. I’ve always thought that Larry Cohen’s guerrilla filming/US & Them approach would have made for good camaraderie and always secretly hoped his teams enjoyed making films like The Stuff and Q as much as I enjoyed watching them.

Hookland 11/1/21 21:18:33

@Mary_Shelley @Modquokka @cultauthor Application is no harder to acquire than any other habit. It is also remembering that all writing is accretion. Unless you are about to pop your clogs, how fast those words accrete is never the top issue.

Hookland 11/1/21 20:17:46

@Mary_Shelley @Modquokka @cultauthor This is nonsense. You may not have a novel in you, but that does not you cannot sustain a different type of book There are formats that better support the telling of a thousand glimpses, the uncovering of fragments. It can be just about finding the space for the parts to work.