Hookland 11/1/21 6:27:31

@SJFTremoribus I feel as if I am in tidying up my life mode, which is uncomfortable to say the least. Realising that time is your most precious resource so late in life is not a good thing.

Hookland 11/1/21 6:16:24

@AntipodeanWyrd There is so much to love about it. There is something refreshing about watching a film with such an instinctual sense of pace that says screw the jump scares let us just bloody go.

Hookland 11/1/21 6:02:52

@misssamperrin @NuitsdeY @fakehistoryhunt @MartinB_Archaeo Ballads are often a manifestation of blood, death and the dark of the land. Held hurt that needs to be alchemised, needs to be exorcised.

Hookland 11/1/21 5:22:12

And yes, I do realise it is complicated rather coplicated. To those pointing this out in private, thank you. For those who feel the need to point out spelling errors in public, a reminder – you don‰Ûªt look big or clever to us dyslexics, but you do come across as pisspuffins.

Hookland 11/1/21 4:50:22

C.L. Nolan had a coplicated relationship with the Hookland Folklore Society being at various times its President, Chairman, Director, Honorary Secretary and most-expelled member. #CLNolan