@halfmanhalfb00k @mattneilhill Thank you.
Thank you.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) May 10, 2021
things are remembered differently
@halfmanhalfb00k @mattneilhill Thank you.
Thank you.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) May 10, 2021
@Imagicranium Thank you.
Thank you.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) May 10, 2021
@DeeanaViolet @Yorkshireantiqu Though I try not to break the fourth wall too much, I would say that other peopleÛªs manifestations of the county are usually superior and preferable to my own, with this one by DV certainly in that category.
Though I try not to break the fourth wall too much, I would say that other people’s manifestations of the county are usually superior and preferable to my own, with this one by DV certainly in that category.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) May 10, 2021
@DeeanaViolet @Yorkshireantiqu The ghost soil is evenly spread, but everyone takes their own navigation across it.
The ghost soil is evenly spread, but everyone takes their own navigation across it.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) May 10, 2021
@preshitorian So much better when you do. Getting the amount of lime juice just right/the perfect lemonade/advocaat ratio is a revelation.
So much better when you do. Getting the amount of lime juice just right/the perfect lemonade/advocaat ratio is a revelation.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) May 10, 2021
@preshitorian I blooming love snowballs.
I blooming love snowballs.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) May 9, 2021
@TheSandlings @cultauthor https://t.co/GeO1o4013y
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) May 9, 2021
@WannaBBonVivant @SpectralPraxis You have also had @catvincent pointing out the Old King vs. the King-Under-the-Sea as Arthur vs. Cthulhu told as an existential erosion tale.
You have also had @catvincent pointing out the Old King vs. the King-Under-the-Sea as Arthur vs. Cthulhu told as an existential erosion tale.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) May 9, 2021
@WannaBBonVivant @SpectralPraxis Come now, you have been getting tweets about the tidal teeth of the King-Under-the-Sea, Dedwick and #CLNolan making statements such as Û÷The coast is erosion, the coast is uncertain territoryÛª since 2014.
Come now, you have been getting tweets about the tidal teeth of the King-Under-the-Sea, Dedwick and #CLNolan making statements such as ‘The coast is erosion, the coast is uncertain territory’ since 2014.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) May 9, 2021
@profdanhicks @asemota @victorsozaboy The commodification of British entitlement and greed. Such a vile optic for an object of beauty.
The commodification of British entitlement and greed. Such a vile optic for an object of beauty.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) May 9, 2021