@SQLPi @jac201315 Hookland works on principles of deep hospitality – to kin, strangers , spirits and sprites.
Hookland works on principles of deep hospitality – to kin, strangers , spirits and sprites.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) March 10, 2021
things are remembered differently
@SQLPi @jac201315 Hookland works on principles of deep hospitality – to kin, strangers , spirits and sprites.
Hookland works on principles of deep hospitality – to kin, strangers , spirits and sprites.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) March 10, 2021
As a typical of many old institutions, Weychester University has several positions with peculiar titles. While Keeper of Ghosts and Lord of the Bones seem quite standard for such places, the employment of a Witch Warden raises some eyebrows. #WitchWednesday
As a typical of many old institutions, Weychester University has several positions with peculiar titles. While Keeper of Ghosts and Lord of the Bones seem quite standard for such places, the employment of a Witch Warden raises some eyebrows. #WitchWednesday
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) March 10, 2021
@tkradio Is that the well/known pro-white ethnostate, anti-Semitic and Christian and Moslem abusing Carolyn Emerick you are quoting?
Is that the well/known pro-white ethnostate, anti-Semitic and Christian and Moslem abusing Carolyn Emerick you are quoting?
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) March 10, 2021
Thornthew is the Hookland word for the act of malign witchery where being scratched my a magical thorn or other implement stole away the victim۪a will and made them open to command. The word comes from the Old English p̩ow meaning slave or servant. #WitchWednesday
Thornthew is the Hookland word for the act of malign witchery where being scratched my a magical thorn or other implement stole away the victim’a will and made them open to command. The word comes from the Old English péow meaning slave or servant. #WitchWednesday
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) March 10, 2021
@schoolofnight @davidmbarnett And Susan Cooper.
And Susan Cooper.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) March 10, 2021
@MariaStrutz It all gets resolved tomorrow, but I cannot promise that it wonÛªt be tension and terror free.
It all gets resolved tomorrow, but I cannot promise that it won’t be tension and terror free.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) March 10, 2021
@MariaStrutz This was originally broadcast at lunchtime as part of watch with mother … Mother was scared too.
This was originally broadcast at lunchtime as part of watch with mother … Mother was scared too.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) March 10, 2021
@schoolofnight @davidmbarnett It was around, but not the thing it was in America where quite rightly, it was proper psychic infrastructure. Mind you we had Penelope Lively, Carbonel, Wombles et al.
It was around, but not the thing it was in America where quite rightly, it was proper psychic infrastructure. Mind you we had Penelope Lively, Carbonel, Wombles et al.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) March 10, 2021
You’ve about 20 minutes to make a proper bit of splosh, get and biscuit and stop work for tonight’s #HookWatch at 5:30pm. There will be witchery, just not the Emily Banting kind. https://t.co/Awr6HPqV8N
You've about 20 minutes to make a proper bit of splosh, get and biscuit and stop work for tonight's #HookWatch at 5:30pm. There will be witchery, just not the Emily Banting kind. https://t.co/Awr6HPqV8N
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) March 10, 2021
@davidmbarnett Not a UK thing. Not because in any way it is not wonderful, but because the quality and output of British childrenÛªs fantasy book at a comparable time was equally wonderful.
Not a UK thing. Not because in any way it is not wonderful, but because the quality and output of British children’s fantasy book at a comparable time was equally wonderful.
— Hookland (@HooklandGuide) March 10, 2021