Hookland 11/3/21 2:40:51

Some draw parallels between the Golden Cart of county folklore to the abode of Germanic goddess Nerthus. To my mind, the parallels clearly exist. A more interesting question following from this might be: ‘Does it mean owt to a Hookland witch? #EmilyBanting #WitchWednesday

Hookland 11/3/21 0:55:44

People ask for the names of my gods. They want reductionism. They want Mother Nature, Earth Mother and Mother of the Earth all to be the same thing. They want an easy name to call. We witches deal in nuance. We do not dishonour with false ease. – #EmilyBanting #WitchWednesday

Hookland 11/2/21 23:29:16

Here is a truth of folklore, in our telling of tales is survival – not just of cave-old wisdoms, not just of parental scarelore, but our original awe at the world. Folklore is a persistence of eyes of wonder that cannot be dimmed by time. – #CLNolan #FolkloreThursday

Hookland 11/2/21 23:09:50

@jamiedelano To be fair, it is the space year 2021. If all our science fiction what-if futures hadn‰Ûªt been chip-pissed, you‰Ûªd still have had these issues with your jet-pack, astrocar or jaunt bracelet.